In order to improve the quality and achievement of students, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) through the Student Achievement Mobility Center (SAMC) has established a platform dedicated to fostering and supporting students in various national competitions. SAMC, which was established three years ago, aims to be an Information Center and facilitator of achievement activities on campus.

SAMC was inaugurated as part of the University's efforts to improve student achievement. The organization is led by Lukman Aprianto as chairman, with the support of a team consisting of Annisa Nur Hikmah as secretary and J. Fika Aliya Febriana as Treasurer. The success of SAMC is also supported by various members who are divided into several divisions such as Admin, Medin, and Fasil.

The main objectives of SAMC include:

  1. Assist the Directorate of Student Development (DPK) in improving student achievement.
  2. Provides information about Puspresnas and various other prestigious events.
  3. Become a facilitator for achievement activities held at UII.

SAMC has been involved in a variety of activities designed to improve student quality and achievement, including:

  • Kompetisi Robot Indonesia (KRI)
  • Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW)
  • Program Peningkatan Kapasitas Organisasi Mahasiswa (PPK Ormawa)
  • Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (ONMIPA-PT)
  • Lomba Inovasi Digital Mahasiswa (LIDM)
  • Kompetisi Bidang Ilmu Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Keuangan (KBMK)
  • Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Nasional (PEKSIMINAS)

Documentation of SAMC activities is regularly carried out to record and disseminate information about student success and development. Through this initiative, SAMC not only helps uii students achieve their dreams but also enhances the University's reputation in the National Arena.

SAMC has been and continues to strive to “Grow and Glow Up Together” with UII students, supporting them to achieve higher achievements and preparing them for a bright and competitive future. This is a proof of uii's commitment to continuously improve the quality of education and student achievement.

To find out more detailed information about SAMC you can see his Instagram social media account here!
